Rights of Women and Children.

September 26, 2016

We met and talked to the girls last week on Friday when we went for the Choice Club meeting at Shiners School. We were happy to see each other. We sat and chatted for some time updating each other on what has been going on with each one of us. They all looked happy, and were very excited to just see a different face. They kept holding us back when we wanted to leave, but we could only be there for a short while because we had to travel back to Nairobi. There will not be a mid-term break this term because of the exams, and so we are advised to take school supplies to the girls next month and any other supplies that they will need for the examinations, like stationery. They are basically almost done with the curriculum for this term. Starting next month, they will be revisiting the exam studies with their teachers and participating in group discussions. The school year is coming to an end, and though it brings with it a lot of uncertainties and apprehension because of the exams, all the girls are looking forward to finishing Secondary School and moving on with the next chapter of their lives.

At Shiners School, we covered Lesson 7 and 8.  The theme for Lesson 7 is Women and Money/ Career and Finances.  We looked at the need for a woman to gain financial independence, so that she can have financial stability. When a woman is financially stable, she is able to make decisions for herself, have confidence in her intellectual capacity, and have confidence in her social standing. She can be strong and able to survive alone by not having to depend on anyone financially.

Education is most definitely a step in the right direction towards achieving financial freedom for the girl child, and for a woman in general. An independent woman is a highly empowered individual.

Lesson 8 covered the Rights of Women and Children.  We defined human rights as rights inherent to all human beings, whatever their nationality, place of residence, sex, nationality or ethic, religion, color, language or any other status.

We are all entitled to our human rights without discrimination.  Women’s rights are rights that promote a position of legal and social equality for women as well as for men.

We looked at the rights of women, the right to vote, to hold public office, the right to fair wages or equal pay, to serve in the military, to enter into legal contracts, and to have marital or parental rights, among others.

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