Everyone is well at school.

October 10, 2016

Everyone is well at school; we had our talk on Friday. We talked to each one of the girls and they are doing fine. Exam fever is high, and they are all apprehensive about the upcoming exams. We encouraged all of them to believe in themselves; these four years have shaped them well, and they should not fear to sit the exams. We take into consideration the need to lift their self-esteem. They need constant affirmation and praise. A constant stream of encouragement will help them do their best, and give them the zeal to study hard. We encouraged them to start imagining how their lives will be once they pass their exams. To imagine the opportunities that will be available to them when they get good grades. It is within our minds that great things happen.  A mental shift towards ‘positive affirmations’ will help them to believe in their ability to be better than they think they are, nurturing a strong desire and belief that they can be better than their current state.

One of the girls had a tooth ache, and she was taken to see the doctor. The offending tooth was extracted, and she is now well.

Last week on Thursday we had a meeting at Karen C School. We are proud to say we will finish the curriculum with the second group this week on Thursday, and so my dream of graduation 80 girls this month from the school is going to become a dream come true.

We plan to graduate the girls this coming weekend on the 15th or 16th so that we can graduate from Shiner’s school on the 22nd of this month.

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