Choice Club Graduation 2016
November 2, 2016
It has been a wonderful 10 months as we have both taught and learned from the various girls that have been members of our Choice Club 2016.
We had a total of 81 girls at the Karen C Secondary School and 43 girls at Shiners Girls School. For the three years we have taught the Choice Club, every year brings with it new possibilities for the dream we have for this club to come to fruition. We believe one of the greatest tragedies in life is to watch dreams fade before they can be achieved. We all have dreams we want to achieve, and we have the potential to dream big. With the right focus and hard work, we can watch our dreams materialize.
Sitting down with these teenagers for one and a half hours every week especially, in the case of Karen C Secondary School, made us realize just how much this generation is misunderstood. It has been said that this generation is lazy and reckless; that they do not conform to the ‘normal’ way of life, living life only on their own terms. Most parents, guardians and other caregivers, find it hard to understand them. What we see, however, is a bunch of vibrant, energetic, experimental and happy-go-lucky kids who have a lot of potential to do the right things given the right direction to follow. This generation is capable of impacting the world in a great way. They have what it takes to bring phenomenal changes and joy into the world~ all they need is someone to believe in them.
These teenage girls are looking for someone who can help them cultivate more positive character without judging them. They need all the moral support they can get, so that their self-esteem can both deepen and broaden. Being a good communicator, understanding that each girl has unique problems and not expecting good character to develop overnight, are some of the things, we as facilitators, have learned to incorporate over time.
We had our graduation party for Karen C Secondary School on the 16th of October and on the 22nd of October we held the graduation event for Shiners Girls School. The girls were rewarded with a Certificate of Participation and completion of the Choice Club Curriculum amongst other gifts.
We invited guest speakers who came to give the girls a word of advice. Influential people who have worked hard to rise in the community and are determined to help the youth better their lives, as well.
There was plenty of food, sodas, and other goodies for the girls to enjoy. We again hired a DJ who entertained the girls with music that they relate to and enjoy. It was a lovely day full of laughter, and dance and group photo moments. There were tears too, as we said our good byes. These teenagers get used to those they feel they can relate to and who have looked after them, and saying bye, both ways, is not easy. A beautiful 10 months it’s been, and we have enjoyed every bit of it!