2016 Done

December 5, 2016

All the girls have now cleared their exams and are at the Holiday House to pack their belongings before leaving for their homes.

All of the girls are very happy to have completed Secondary School and are look ing forward to passing their papers!

As planned, we wanted to hold a big farewell lunch for the girls before they left. We called one of the girl’s parents, one who can speak good Kiswahili. We asked her to look for the other parents to tell them that we wanted them to come to the Holiday House to see where their girls have been staying and to share a meal with them. We also wanted to meet the parents, after 4 years we wanted to understand whose children we have been taking care of, to actually meet the parents face-to-face! It was thus a great joy when the parents arrived at the Holiday House!  There was a lot of cheer and tears as the parents celebrated their children’s achievements. It was a very moving and emotional moment. 6 parents came, all mothers. We had dinner together, and the parents slept at the Holiday House. The next morning, we had a full day to talk and give the girls a lot of advice. Afterwards, we had lunch and cake.  The girls were blessed by their parents, and we all prayed together.

The girls are all back at their homes, all their belongings too. The Holiday House was cleaned up, inventory done, and is agreed that the painting work will commence this week.










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