Making Progress with Scholarships
May 22, 2017
We managed to get a scholarship for one more girl this week. We decided to pick a girl that is already teaching despite the challenge of walking for an hour to and from school every day. She tells us she gets to school very tired and hungry, because they don’t have enough to eat at home. She was also one of the girls who showed a lot of promise and remained amongst the top 5 in her class throughout the four years of school.
The sponsor is willing to pay for her college at Thogoto Teachers College. The college trains teachers who are later integrated into the government institutions where they are offered jobs in the various schools. The sponsor will also arrange for her to get teaching practice during her college breaks which will be of great help to her. She will get accommodation at the school for the time being. She attained a grade of C- in her final examinations, and they said they will consider her application because she comes from a marginalized area.
Another girl has also shown interest in teaching. She will also attend Thogoto. Our family will sponsor her college education. She had a grade of D+ and is also being considered because of her marginalized background.