Choice Club starts at Shiners School
February 13, 2018
One girl was covering many kilometers to reach Nakoko Primary School where she has been volunteering for teaching practice. She, therefore, put in a request at her former primary school, Nginyang Primary, for the same, and she got accepted. She joined the school yesterday. Another girl volunteers at the same school.
She says at the new school they are fortunate to have a borehole nearby, and they can get water into the school without having to walk too far for the commodity. The students are also allowed to carry a small 5ltr jerrycan which they use to carry water home after classes for home use. This has helped in keeping the students in school.
We start Choice Club meetings this Friday the 16th at Shiners School. The school administration was very happy to hear that we will be offering the Choice Club classes again. They repeated that the girls will benefit greatly from the Club.
We are in the process of reviewing the curriculum, so we can update it.