Kimuka Principle Retires

July 31, 2018

The last week has been tough for the schools because of the school fires. All schools were sitting their end of term exams, and, as previously stated, the fires were being caused by students who were trying to sabotage the exams. The media was warned against reporting the fires because other schools burnt after the news reports. Security at the schools was beefed up and no outsiders were allowed into the schools.  There was fear that some outsiders were inciting the students. We were, however, allowed into Kimuka school to speak to all the students before they could break for the holidays, but I was not allowed to take photos. There were strict measures and anyone getting into the school had to leave all electronic gadgets at the school gate, including phones. The school authority figures suspected some students were planning to have leaked exam papers brought into the school by their friends or relatives.

The meeting at Shiners School did not take place due to the end of term exams. The authority figures told us to wait to see if we could hold the meeting today, but again it was not possible because the school closes tomorrow, and the students needed time to pack and clean up the school before departing. We agreed to meet immediately after schools open.

The Principle at Kimuka school is sadly retiring at the end of this month. She has been very supportive with the Choice Club meetings, and it is sad to have her go. I pray the new Principle will be as receptive as the current one has been. We got a cake for the Club members to celebrate her and bought a card to say thank you. She was pleasantly surprised with our gesture and though she is very private and did not allow us to take photos of the occasion, one of the teachers managed to take a few and shared with me. This was last week on Wednesday.


Our girls report to school this week-end, and we will prepare for them before they arrive. They will spend Sunday night at our house, and I will take them to school on the morning of the 5th.

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