Kimuka School Choice Club

October 29, 2018

Lack of tuition fees, broken families, poor grades, relationships with the opposite sex, and peer pressure were some of the items that the members of the Choice Club at Kimuka School felt are giving them the hardest time. We gave them the same quiz that was given at the Shiners Girls School, and though some of the answers were similar, lack of tuition fees featured as one of the major reasons that caused great concern to the Kimuka girls.

Family is definitely very important to all the girls, and again it was clear that the mothers are playing a great role in the lives of these girls. The majority of the girls in the Kimuka school are from the MAA community where they practice FGM. Though some of the girls have already been cut, they now understand the dangers, and would like to be a voice that speaks against this horrendous vice in their community. Those that are about to sit their Form 4 exams are understandably anxious about passing the exams. They fear that if they fail, their lives will have no meaning, and they won’t be able to achieve the goals they have set for themselves in life.

Some of the responses and the questions the girls raised will help me set up the program for the 3-day December holiday program we intend to have in Meru. Schools country wide have now closed for the holidays, so they can accommodate room for the Form 4’s who are about to sit their final exams. The exam period is very tense with most schools keeping away any strangers, friends and even relatives from the schools to avoid exam leakage. Unlike last year, when we had students burning their dormitories and causing a lot of damage in the schools prior to the exams, this year has been calm, and the teachers have had ample time to prepare the students for the coming exams. At the Choice Club, we recognized the Form 4’s both in Shiners and in Kimuka by gifting them with Success Cards and giving them messages of encouragement.

We have been in communication with the Valvisions’ girls. They are all home for the holidays. They will come to Thogoto in December for their college studies. Two of them are looking forward to joining college in December. One will continue where she left off and another will start a fresh term; we, of course, wish them all the best.

Choice Club activities for the year have come to an end; 86 girls graduated from both schools. We resume the classes when schools open next year. We hope to add another two schools to the program.

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