Sexual Health

May 20, 2019

Sexual health is an important topic to teach teenage girls. Initially, girls used to fear engaging in sex because of falling pregnant; now times have changed. The introduction and use of contraceptives have greatly contributed to teenage girls engaging in sex. We have encountered teenagers who have been put on contraceptives by their parents because they don’t want them to fall pregnant. The parents excuse will be that the teenagers will engage in sex anyway, so why not help them keep pregnancy away?

It is refreshing to know that teenage girls are more aware of the risks involved in engaging in sexual relationships. They are aware that contraceptives can keep away a pregnancy, but they won’t stop one from contracting an STD. The rise in cases of HIV in teenagers clearly shows they still need a lot of mentoring on matters of sexual health. One might argue that it is important to give the teenagers contraceptives, but how consistent are they in using them? The risk involved in engaging in sexual activity at a young age is great. It is, therefore, important that we address the youth who are not having sex as well as those who are sexually active. Providing the teens with effective education and skills to help in preventing pregnancy, and from acquiring HIV infection or other STD’s is of high importance.

This was our lesson at AIC Ngong today. The girls were quite attentive and asked a lot of questions. The questions make us realize that a lot of the girls are very curious about sex. They cannot freely discuss the subject with their parents and teachers. They easily name HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, and hepatitis as some of the infectious diseases they know exist. They were surprised to know that STD’s don’t always cause symptoms or may cause mild symptoms. It is possible to have an infection and not know it. That is why it is important to get tested if you are sexually active.






We will cover the same topic in Kimuka on Wednesday.

Two of our Valvisions Scholars are preparing for teaching practice which should commence this week. Today they were being taught how to set questions for students and how to handle marking schemes.

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