Form 1 New Students
January 20, 2020
The majority of schools last week finalized with the intake of Form 1 students. The last two weeks have been busy for the school heads and the school administration at large as all did their best to make the new students feel welcome in the schools.
Most of the girls who have joined Form 1 are very timid; it is understandable because they are in a new environment. Boarding school has its ups and downs, expectations are high and every day is a new experience for these young girls. At Njabini Girls School, we were happy to learn that there is an increase number in their Form 1 Intake this year as compared to last year. The school has had a challenge with discipline among the students; this affected them very much because once word goes around in the neighborhood, very few parents are eager to register their students in the school. Last year, however, student discipline was greatly improved, and the students’ over-all academic performance improved drastically, as a result. The school adinistrators credit the improvement of the girl’s behavior to the Choice Club mentorship program. The school principle informed us that the girls character improved after we introduced the program. We were informed that the girls became serious in their studies and their outlook on school life improved tremendously. This year the schools have managed to register 50 Form 1 students; last year they only had 15 Form 1 students. This is a definite improvement for the school.
Today we had a meeting at AIC Ngong and the same message was echoed. Hearing this from a different school assures us that we are doing something right. The girls who sat their final examination last year improved in their performance, and, likewise, managed good grades which will see some of them join the universities in the country. Madam Violet, the school principle, was happy to have the mentorship program continue at her school and more so for the new students who need all the encouragement they can get.
We are happy to be part of the school’s success stories, and as we start the new year, we are hoping to excite the new students byhelping them discover their individualized potential, regardless of where they come from and the challenges they may have previously faced. We told the girls they have been given a new page in a book, they have the opportunity to write a beautiful story, and they have the potential to actualize a fresh and beautiful life simplyby making right choices.
Madam Violet, principle at A.I.C Ngong School
Some of the members of the Choice Club 2020 at AIC. We will have 50 members
Mr.Kanyi (middle) the principle Njabini Girls and one of the administrators, Mr. Kaniu.
Form 1 students at Njabini School. We will have 56 members of the Choice Club 2020
Choice Club members 2020, Njabini Girls