Self-Evaluation Questionnaire

September 28, 2020

Today we had an outing with thirty-one girls from two informal settlements. The girls were happy to meet up again, and even more excited to be grouped up with other teenagers in their age group. We had an ice breaker which included the girls introducing themselves, sharing where they go to school and what class they are in as well as the name of their community. Some of these girls had already been attending our mentorship classes, but we had a few new faces. The new girls were happy to be part of the team; they wished they’d known about the club earlier and benefited from the previous discussions. 

Grace and Elizabeth briefing the girls as they get ready to answer the Questionnaire.

After the briefing, each girl received stationery and a Questionnaire. They happily moved into their corners and got ready for the self-evaluation. We could see the girls deep in thought as they answered the questions. 

The girls keenly going through the questions.

‘Re-shaking’ their thoughts as written on the young girl’s t-shirt….

The exercise was a necessary opportunity for the girls to pause and self-reflect. We needed to determine through their answers whether what we have been teaching the girls has created an impact. Their answers will help us evaluate and see areas where the girls need additional mentoring and counselling. After the Questionnaires were answered, we read some of the responses aloud and discussed the various answers we received, at length.

Discussion after the Questionnaire.

From their responses, it was clear that the students are seriously thinking about their lives and aspiring to make the right choices. We showed them understanding and unconditional positive regard concerning their various life challenges. As much as we want to know more about the girls and their plans in life by talking to them and encouraging them, we are also hoping to pass on the messages, below:

We have respect for who you are and who you can become.

We want to know you.

You are unique and valuable.

We believe in you.

We have time for you.

We learn when we listen to you.

You are valued and respected.

We need you here.

Happy bright faces.

After the session we took a nature walk; nothing refreshes the mind like clean fresh air and the quiet that fills the air as everyone admires God’s creations.

Nature walk to refresh the mind.

Nature is beautiful, and the girls enjoyed taking pictures in the wild.

Beautiful and natural waterfall within the nature trail.

Group picture.

Grace of Valvisions enjoys a moment at the falls.

Elizabeth enjoying the waterfalls.

Nyama Choma (grilled meat) in preparation for lunch.

The girls enjoying their lunch after a fulfilling day’s event.

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