Supporting The Community

April 18, 2021

The sanitary hygiene bags have really come in handy for the needy girls in our community. This week, now that schools have closed, we have been supplying the kits as well as having talks with the girls. Due to Covid and the curfew that takes effect every evening at 8pm, the parents are having a hard time ensuring their children are home in time before they get caught by the police. The students, on the other hand, are trying to keep the curfew hours but, nonetheless, there will those who end up in trouble. The talks with the girls are mainly to encourage them to take care of themselves and keep busy, so they do not get into bad company and bad habits.

The Form 4 students are coming to the end of their final exams. Some are home; the remaining group are finishing their exams on the 19th. There is a lot of excitement in the air, finishing secondary school is a big deal. The girls who just finished their exams are looking forward to a well-deserved rest. They want to catch up with sleep, since they have been spending early mornings and late nights preparing for the exams.

Lack of sanitary hygiene products puts most of the girls in an extremely difficult position. The girls cannot do without the products, but due to the situation back home, and the level of poverty, the parents are not able to provide the much-needed sanitary towels month after month. Those that can obtain the towels at all, generally purchase a small, inadequate supply.

The sanitary hygiene bags donated by Valvisions Foundation are making a big impact in the community; the girls who have received these supplies are extremely excited! They couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw all the goodies in the kit. One girl was so happy to receive the beautiful bag she excitedly said she was going to hide it under her bed so no one will steal it from her. She said no one has ever given her such a beautiful gift, and she has never owned such a beautiful bag. She kept asking if it was really hers to keep. Supporting these girls with the kits will help them keep their dignity, and their parents will not have to worry for the next three months with concerns about the girls’ supplies.

Our talks with the girls help the girls speak about their fears, ask questions they fear speaking with their parents about, and a genuine level of comfort s some it provides them with someone to listen to them without judgment. What comes across from most of the girls is they are scared to make mistakes, but are also scared of asking questions to their peers, since they do not want to be laughed. Another obstacle is that most of their parents aren’t comfortable discussing certain issues, so the girls do not know where to turn when they’re home for the holidays.

The week was well spent speaking to the girls in the community, supporting those that need help, and urging those in a position to act as a sister’s helper, to step up. There is a lot of evil all over the world. Young girls are being misused by those that should be protecting them, so it is important to ensure our talks with them occur as often as possible.

Below are pictures with some of the recipients of the hygiene products.

Supporting girls with sanitary hygiene kits.

The girls excitedly open their goody bags.

The joy of receiving the 3-month supply of hygiene products.

This young lady just finished her Secondary Education, and the sanitary hygiene kit will lend support to her parents who also care for younger siblings.

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