GENERAL ELECTIONS- what does God say?
August 9, 2022
General elections were held in Kenya. Today, Kenyans have elected the President, members of Parliament, county governors, members of the Senate and members of the 47 county assemblies of Kenya.
General elections are held every 5 years. The two candidates vying for the Presidential spot are both strong contenders. The residents are praying that the elections will be safe and peaceful and that the candidate who loses will accept defeat and not cause chaos. The election violence Kenyans faced in 2007 is still fresh in people’s minds. Many people lost their lives, many were maimed for life, and many have never recovered after their homes and businesses were set ablaze.
People tend to pray a lot during the election period. There are public prayers in almost every county in the country and the churches and human right organizations focus on teaching messages of peace.
Below, I have shared a message that brought the importance of praying for the right leader home for me as shared by a pastor from one of our local churches. His message spoke volumes and made me look at the leaders we chose in a different light. Most people vote on tribal lines, but the message below, was an eye opener.
By voting, we will end up with either of these three: 1) a leader we want, 2) a leader we deserve, or 3) a leader after God’s own heart.
By praying for the leader we want, we are simply telling God, ‘keep quiet, we know what we want, we know what we are doing.’ But the leader we want could cause a lot of damage.
We can end up with a leader we deserve. There is a lot of corruption as it is. Good and faithful politicians do not exist, at least not in Africa. Absolute power corrupts a person, very few people can remain humble when in power. When people have power, their true colors show. God can give us a leader we deserve but if we reject Him, He can also give us up to the ills of this world.
A leader after God’s own heart would be an ideal person, but how many exist? This can only come out of prayer. God chose David though he was the least suited in Jesse’s household. David did not have kingly qualities, but he was a man after God’s heart, and so God chose him.
As we go into elections today, we are asked to pray that God, who knows the hearts of all, would show us the right person for the job.
General elections were held in Kenya. Today, Kenyans have elected the President, members of Parliament, county governors, members of the Senate and members of the 47 county assemblies of Kenya.
General elections are held every 5 years. The two candidates vying for the Presidential spot are both strong contenders. The residents are praying that the elections will be safe and peaceful and that the candidate who loses will accept defeat and not cause chaos. The election violence Kenyans faced in 2007 is still fresh in people’s minds. Many people lost their lives, many were maimed for life, and many have never recovered after their homes and businesses were set ablaze.
People tend to pray a lot during the election period. There are public prayers in almost every county in the country and the churches and human right organizations focus on teaching messages of peace.
Below, I have shared a message that brought the importance of praying for the right leader home for me as shared by a pastor from one of our local churches. His message spoke volumes and made me look at the leaders we chose in a different light. Most people vote on tribal lines, but the message below, was an eye opener.
By voting, we will end up with either of these three: 1) a leader we want, 2) a leader we deserve, or 3) a leader after God’s own heart.
By praying for the leader we want, we are simply telling God, ‘keep quiet, we know what we want, we know what we are doing.’ But the leader we want could cause a lot of damage.
We can end up with a leader we deserve. There is a lot of corruption as it is. Good and faithful politicians do not exist, at least not in Africa. Absolute power corrupts a person, very few people can remain humble when in power. When people have power, their true colors show. God can give us a leader we deserve but if we reject Him, He can also give us up to the ills of this world.
A leader after God’s own heart would be an ideal person, but how many exist? This can only come out of prayer. God chose David though he was the least suited in Jesse’s household. David did not have kingly qualities, but he was a man after God’s heart, and so God chose him.
The mark between my fingers confirms that I voted.
My civic duty is done.