Positive Symptoms of Ascension


   Positive Symptoms of Ascension

  • postiveimageYou are gaining a heightened awareness and beginning to notice ‘the real life/higher dimension’ in the play of shadows and lights. You are starting to look ‘beyond the veil.’

  • Your Intuition is opening up and deepening. You begin to realize more fully, that you carry the truth within. You learn to place great value in your ‘inner voice.’

  • You become more in touch with your heart, and therefore, begin to read situations and others with increased perception, clarity and knowing. Your psychic abilities are opening up/sharpening.

  • You start to release ego and drama. You recognize when opportunities for ego and drama present themselves and allow the moments to pass by ‘not hooking in.’ You are turning from competitiveness to unity and collaboration with Self and others. You begin to realize the higher value of being-ness, spirit and heart.

  • You become conscious of living with negative emotions like doubts, worry, self-loathing, guilt, anger, etc. With awareness, this lower energy releases, creating space to love yourself unconditionally. As you begin to nurture yourself with gentler care, love and acceptance, you release others from judgment and condemnation, as well. You are making gain in Christ-conscious awareness.

  • You begin to notice rainbows with much greater frequency.

  • You are becoming less worried about concerns of the 3rd dimension: like money, second guessing. You are moving into a higher dimension where concerns of the 3D are no longer relevant. As a result, you let go of ‘outcomes’ as your trust in soul and Spirit deepens.

  • You are ‘remembering’ what you came here to do, realizing more fully that you are being guided and protected and gifted so that your mission ‘will be’ fulfilled. As a result, you are becoming calmer and more relaxed.

  • As you learn to trust in ‘the Greater Powers that be,’ you begin to recognize the folly and disappointment associated with ‘expectations.’ You start to ‘get out of your own way.’

  • You are willing to take more risks regardless of external circumstances and fear.

  • You are beginning to take on or seek a slower pace of life as you start to realize that ‘the secrets’ are revealed in silence.

  • You become more internally focused and inspired than driven by external stimuli.

  • You begin living more in the Now moment and become more Present-based.

  • You are able to manifest prosperity, abundance and flow almost effortlessly as you move into the energy of the 5th dimension and your abilities to ‘trust and believe’ become more natural.

  • There is ‘an easing’ of the more difficult symptoms of Ascension as you move through the process, and the New energy emerges more fully towards the frequency of unconditional love.

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