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Sasumua Picnic Kenya Easter Kenya girls explore Naivasha valley and make the acquaintance of a sheep!
Kenya Holiday House Valvisions Foundation invested in a new holiday house which provides a safe home for the Kenya scholars when they are out of school.
Kenya Holiday House Life at the Kenya holiday house offers plenty of opportunities for study, work and entertainment.
Choice Club The popular Choice Club celebrates its one year anniversary at the Shiners High School in Nakuru, Kenya.
Mt Olive Scholars and Parents Uganda girls leave home for the first time, and join boarding school as high school students.
Fiona a seamstress in training Fistula sufferer, Fiona Nanyondo, 22, gets a second chance when she takes on tailoring classes sponsored by Valvisions Foundation.
Fistula Field Visit Fistula sufferer, Norah Nakate, 65, is a beneficiary of medical and welfare support from Valvisions Foundation. dancerinwhite Dancer in White Valvisions orchestrated the ‘Dancer in White’ campaign to help create an awareness of FGM in Houston before screening `Healing Magdalene’ at the River Oaks Theatre.
Kenya scholarship students graduation and holiday.
Kenya scholarship Girls perform Community Service Project..


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